
Selenium and SmartGWT

Selenium and SmartGWT


This was a medium sized project, mainly related to file management and developed with Java J2EE.

From a functional point of view, the application is not particularly difficult (except maybe the typical automation problems such as Excel exports and email alerts). This application worked together with another Java application that was completely available to use and that we could control.

The main challenge lay here was the use of SmartGWT as a framework for the presentation layer.

The test plan was entirely managed by the Testlink tool. (more…)

Test Studio and ASP.Net

Test Studio and ASP.Net


As part of an important project (> 3000 man/days) developed in ASP.Net and interfaced with the Autonomy search tool, our goal was to automate regression tests.

The application contained many very specific screens and rich graphical components (mostly from the Telerik libraries, from same software editor as Test Studio).

The application also needed to handle many external files, mostly PDF, Word and Excel files. The application was also based on a set of shared databases with existing applications, to which we had no access for privacy reasons. (more…)

Selenium and Yii

Selenium and Yii


This project’s objective was to develop a set of automated functional tests for a web application developed using the PHP Yii framework.

The application mostly consists of “CRUD” type screens for data creation, modification and visualization.

The tests were developed together with the code. Each delivery of a module or screen was accompanied by a set of functional tests, especially for validating the business rules associated with the creation or modification of the data.

The tests were thus used to validate the developments at a unitary level and for regression testing. (more…)